Health and Well Being day

27th September 2017

Early in the Summer, Tina and Deb from EATS supported a Health and Well Being day at Leicester for adults with Learning disabilities.

The day was a great success and many people enjoyed learning about augmentative communication methods and having a go on the electronic devices.

EATS were one of many exhibitors at the day, and the event had other interactive health sessions such as riding a smoothy making bike, horse-riding, walking thru a large inflated bowel to learn about bowel cancer and many others. The day ended with a fabulous talent show. Fun was had by all.

It was a long Saturday but both Tina and Deb were buzzing knowing that AAC awareness had been increased.

If you would like EATS to attend an event with you, please contact us at

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Electronic Assistive Technology Service
Fen House, Fen Lane
North Hykeham

Phone: 01522 572820

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