Leo Whiteman
I am the Clinical Scientist in the team, and as such act as an agent in bridging the gap between the clinical and technical aspects of the service.
Prior to joining the service in January 2017 I was the Service Lead for the Electronic Assistive Technology Service in Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire, specialising in environmental controls and computer access with some exposure to AAC. I have master’s degrees in both mechanical and clinical engineering, specialising in ultrasonics for non-destructive testing and rehabilitation engineering respectively.
In my spare time I am a keen electric guitar player, spending perhaps too much time and certainly too much money on fine tuning the sound I get on stage. The modelling and signal processing techniques I used in my degrees coupled with my private study of electronics encountered through my guitar playing all feed in to my work with electronic assistive technology.
My particular interest at the moment is in eye gaze technology, and I have put together a training package that aims to achieve the best possible results for a potential eye gaze user whilst also highlighting some of the limitations.