Case Studies
Case Studies page list

Ned Cullen - E-Tran Frame User
Ned Cullen and his use of the Liberator E-Tran Communication Frame

Dr P Furlong - Environmental Controls
Interview with Dr P Furlong about his environmental controls.

Max and Anne Marie
Max is a communicative, happy, fun loving, lovely little boy. Before using his current device, Max had two Go Talk 20 devices (one at home…

Karen was assessed by EATS in December 2016 at her home. Previously Karen had been able to speak but this became increasingly difficult so…

Celes was assessed by EATS in March 2016 at College; she has had electronic communication devices in the past but did not have one at the…

Guy uses an Eye Gaze communication aid. In this short video he tells us about his experience with the device and the support services which…